Here are some of the blogs I read on a daily basis:
JA Konrath: Thriller (and horror) writer JA Konrath has been writing a blog on the publishing industry since 2005. He is pretty close to convincing me that self-publishing through ebooks is the way to go with at least one of my series of novels that I am working on. Great read.
Mark Terry: Mark is another thriller writer who has a "guy next door" way of looking at writing and publishing. You'll become a fan even before you pick up one of his great books.
Guide to Literary Agents: If you want to have a book you've written in your hands so you can touch it, show it off, etc. then you want to think about getting an agent. Best place to look is here.
Agents and the Blogs
Janet Reid: One of the best in the biz.
Jennifer Jackson: One of my dream agents, works with Donald Maass.
Nathan Bransford: Yes, he's the guy who sent me my first rejection letter, but he does have a great blog.
Dystel & Goderich Literary Management: Good site with good info, plus they represent my friend Jennifer.
Hey, There's a Dead Guy in the Living Room: A blog by people in the publishing industry dedicated to crime, mystery and related writing.
This list is just a start, and will increase. Enjoy and happy reading!
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
4 days ago
Your list looks a lot like mine. :D